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Outcome Based Education

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a pedagogical model that entails the restructuring of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices to reflect the achievement of high-order learning, as opposed to a mere accumulation of course credits. While the traditional education system focuses on what is taught, OBE places emphasis on what is learned, and this distinction is very important.

Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals/outcomes. By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goals.

There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in OBE; instead, classes, opportunities, and assessments should all help students achieve the specified outcomes. The role of the faculty adapts into instructor, trainer, facilitator, and/or mentor based on the outcomes targeted.

What is OBE?

Principles of OBE

This means that everything teachers do must be clearly focused on what they want students to know, understand and be able to do. In other words, teachers should focus on helping students to develop the knowledge, skills and personalities that will enable them to achieve the intended outcomes that have been clearly articulated.

It means that the curriculum design must start with a clear definition of the intended outcomes that students are to achieve by the end of the program. Once this has been done, all instructional decisions are then made to ensure achieve this desired end result.

It means that teachers should establish high, challenging standards of performance in order to encourage students to engage deeply in what they are learning. Helping students to achieve high standards is linked very closely with the idea that successful learning promotes more successful learning.

Teachers must strive to provide expanded opportunities for all students. This principle is based on the idea that not all learners can learn the same thing in the same way and in the same time. However, most students can achieve high standards if they are given appropriate opportunities.

Designing a Course is part of the science of teaching and learning. It is integral to OBE that insists upon determination of learning outcome as the first step. Precisely drawn outcomes of a Course provide clarity of purpose in teaching/learning. They act as a running thread of quality control across the planning of curriculum, selection of instructional strategies, choice of learning experience, and preparation of tests.

Informing learners about the outcome well in advance, OBE enables ongoing concurrent self-assessment of learners for making sure of their progress towards attaining the outcome. It provides them with chances to demand new learning experiences that ensure the same. Since the outcomes are stated, the teachers also get to know the progress and they enjoy the legitimate right to test whether the learners have attained the goal.

Designing course for OBE

Levels of Outcomes

Course learning outcomes represent the integrated skills, knowledge and attitudes a learner will “own” upon successful completion of their course.

Program Outcomes are broad statements that describe what graduates of a program will be able to “do out there” as a result of what they have learned in the program.

Traditional Knowledge Outcomes reflect the thoughtful  integration of Traditional knowledge, culture, values and principles throughout the course or program.

College-wide outcomes are outcomes that are set across all programs by the institution. 

Territorial/Provincial/Professional Outcomes reflect program and professional standards set nationally, provincially, territorially or by professional accrediting bodies.

  • Provide a strategic way to enhance the quality of teaching and learning;
  • Prepare students for the “rest‐of‐life” context in which they will need to apply what they have learned in their course/program;
  • Provide a framework to align teaching, learning and assessment methods;
  • Promote a collaborative, collegial approach to curriculum planning;
  • Help to ensure the approval and accreditation of new and existing programs;
  • Provide a mechanism for ensuring accountability and quality assurance;
  • Promote a self‐directed and autonomous approach to learning;
  • Provide a means for students to articulate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience acquired during their program;
  • Provide a tool for monitoring, evaluating and improving the curriculum; and
  • Help to encourage continuity and mobility between varying post‐secondary programs and institutions.

Benefits OBE

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